あけましておめでとうございます。 今年もエアアロマジャパンをどうぞよろしくお願いします。
新年にふさわしい話題と言えばこちら、 1月4日に第一回の放送を迎えたNHK大河ドラマ「花燃ゆ」ですが、明治維新の中心人物であった吉田松陰先生と、その周りで高い志を持ち戦った人たちが生きたのが、山口県の萩市です。
現在大注目の萩市、エアアロマジャパンにもとても関係のある場所なのです。実は去年の12月中旬 、我々は山口県萩市の松陰神社にエアアロマの香りを導入して参りました。
12月中旬、我々が萩に到着したのは夕方16時近く。日が暮れ始める時間帯でもあり、萩へ向かう途中でこのような風景に出会いました 。
Every January in Japan, the Japanese look forward to the start of a year-long television drama series featuring a prominent figure in their country's history.
This year, the spotlight shines on Yoshida Shoin, a distinguished intellectual known to have played a revolutionary role in the feudal era leading up to the Meiji Restoration, a dramatic period of change for Japanese rule in the 1860s.
Known as "Shoin Sensei", this great teacher is memorialized at the Shoin Shrine in Hagi City of Yamaguchi Prefecture, about an an hour's plane ride from Tokyo. This shrine of course, is the setting for this year's TV series, "Hanamoyu".
For Air Aroma Japan, this year is a special one, as our new "natsumikan" (summer orange) blend has just been incorporated into the Shoin Shrine! If you walk into the memorial museum on the shrine's premises, you'll experience our sweet aroma of natsumikan, the official fruit of Yamaguchi.
We're honored to be a part of this great hero's legacy at the Shoin Shrine, a destination likely to attract countless visitors this year!