この夏、ペット業界をリードする青山ケンネルスクールの協力のもと開発した、犬用の虫除けアロマスプレー「outdoor spray」の販売がスタートしました。
エアアロマでは、犬や猫と過ごす空間をより良いものにする為、また犬や猫との暮らしを考えることで社会がより明るくなることを願って、犬の分野に置ける香りの研究を青山ケンネルスクールと共に進めています。この「outdoor spray」には、そんな私たちの思いがたくさん込められています。
今回販売がスタートした「outdoor spray」は、一本購入いただくごとに100円が動物愛護団体へ寄付されます。寄付金は、保護活動(動物愛護センターなどで殺処分されてしまう犬や猫を保護)、そして保護された犬や猫たちの新しい飼い主さんを探す活動の資金として使われます。
(1) 資料「東京都における飼い主からの引き取り理由」平成24年度 東京都統計
Outdoor spray 2,300円(税込 2,484円)
※ outdoor spray 1本販売ごとに100円が動物愛護団体に寄付されます。
Caring for Pets in Need with Outdoor Spray – Part 1
This summer, we’ve had the privilege of creating an insect-repelling spray named “Outdoor Spray” for dogs, in collaboration with one of Japan’s pet industry leaders, Aoyama Kennel School.
At Air Aroma, we have been conducting various studies on how to create a comfortable living environment for pets as well as their owners. It is our hope through working with Aoyama Kennel School that we can do our part in helping pets in need, and this Outdoor Spray is a start.
Owning and caring for pets can bring great joy and companionship to one’s life, but currently in Japan, there is growing concern over abandoned and neglected pets. Countless animals have been left to fend for themselves in instances where their owners have passed away, moved away, or simply become fed up or inconvenienced. It is said that 10% of abandoned pets in Tokyo are done so because their owners could not tolerate their behavior*. And for many of the abandoned dogs, their fate is to be locked up and eventually killed.
With our new “Outdoor Spray”, 100 yen from each bottle sold will be donated to an animal welfare organization to be used to help protect the animals whose fate is to be killed, aiding in the search for suitable owners and caring homes.
*Statistics from 2012 Data “Top Reasons for Pet Retrieval in Tokyo”
Outdoor Spray 2,300 yen (2,484 yen including tax)
This aroma spray is made with 100% natural essential oils. The refreshing scent of herbs that are discouraging to insects will help to create a relaxing and peaceful environment.
Purchase the spray HERE.
*100 yen per sale of Outdoor Spray will be donated to an animal welfare organization.