3月14日のホワイトデー、ロマンチックなバラの香りがすみだ水族館のエントランスを包みました。この日開催されたスペシャルイベント「恋する水族館。」に合わせてエアアロマの調香師が特別に調香した香り、「L'amour en rose(ラムール アン ローズ)」。ホワイトローズ、レッドローズ、ピンクローズなど7種類の花の香りがブレンドされ、華やかな中にも上品な甘さと気品に溢れるその香りは、いつもと違った水族館を演出しました。
この日は、カクテルをご購入いただいたお客様にバラの香りを含ませたムエットもお配りし、「香り+カクテル」のロマンチックなコンビネーションを体験していただきました。イベントスタート前の18時頃にはすでに長い行列ができ、カクテル販売開始とほぼ同時に、先着50名様へのプレゼント「L'amour en rose(ラムール アン ローズ)」のミニボトルは瞬く間になくなってしまいました。
When entering an aquarium, visitors might not expect to smell the sweet aroma of roses…but that's exactly what they found at Sumida Aquarium on March 14th, a day known as White Day* in Japan.
On this holiday, a special rose scent called "L'amour en rose" was introduced to visitors as they entered the aquarium. Diffusers gently released the sweet aroma of seven types of flowers including white, red and pink roses specially blended for this day by Air Aroma’s perfumer, and guests were soothed into a peaceful, romantic mood.
But why all the romance?
Incidentally, the months of January to March are also known as mating season for Sumida Aquarium’s Magellanic penguins, in which the cuddly creatures couple up and never leave each other's side. It is a rather remarkable sight. During this season of love, we hoped to join the aquarium in creating an atmosphere that was both romantic and special. Which brings us to the rose fragrance and...a romantic rose cocktail.
In addition to the sweet rose fragrance, a rose-infused cocktail was concocted by our perfumist for this occasion. Our fragrance expert just so happens to be a skilled mixologist, and he has the awards from mixology and cocktail contests to prove it.
By 6pm when the cocktail mixing began, a long line had already formed along the "Penguin Cafe" wall. Some standing in line knew about the event beforehand, others learned about it from the hints of rose that guided them through the aquarium. Twenty minutes later, the first fifty cocktails (and fifty miniature gift bottles of "L'amour en rose") had been distributed.
Under the dim blue lights of the penguin tank (as it was nearing bedtime for the penguins), those in attendance were put into a serene mood by the soothing voice of singer Aoi Teshima on stage, with cocktail in hand.
We’re thrilled for the great success of the event, and are delighted to have played a small part in creating a special moment for the aquarium's visitors. Finding a way to be "in love" with the moment...a lesson learned from the charming penguins.
*White Day: In Japan, Valentine’s Day is known as a day for women to gift men with chocolates, and in return one month later, men give thanks by presenting sweets to the women in their lives. This day has been named “White Day”.