5月末、Air Aroma Japanが講師を務めた「アロマを活かす空間づくり~生活編~」が、新宿区立鶴巻図書館にて開催されました。
・ 香りへの意識が高まりました。生活へうまく取り入れ、気持ちよく生活していきたいと思います。
・ 香りのイメージが国ごとに異なるということや、取り入れる生活によって香りの印象が変わってくることが分かりました。
・ 他の出席者とのディスカッションがあり、楽しかったです。
・ 自然の香りと人工香料との違いを嗅ぎ分ける事ができて楽しかった
On May 31st, an aroma seminar was hosted by Air Aroma Japan at Tsuramaki Library in Shinjuku, Tokyo. The second in a series of seminars at this library, the theme for this seminar was "Ways to Incorporate and Enjoy Scents in Daily Life".
Attendees participated in discussions and activities including comparing and contrasting scents from different regions around the world to gain a better understanding of how culture affects our sense of smell, and learning the difference between essential and aroma oils.
Following the event, we received enthusiastic responses from seminar participants such as:
"It was very educational, and I look forward to incorporating what I learned today."
"Communicating with others around scents was extremely enjoyable."
"Not just hearing about the difference between essential oils and aroma oils, but actually experiencing the scents was fantastic."
Thank you to all who attended the seminar!
For news and updates on upcoming events and seminars, please keep an eye on our Facebook page!