雨の帯が日本の大半を覆い、じめじめとはっきりしない天気が続く独特の気候、梅雨。なんとなく気分が重い、早く夏がこないかな…そんな方もこの時期には多いのではないでしょうか? 一方で、雨の降り始めの匂い、雨に濡れた草木の匂い、また雨上がりの懐かしいような、切ないような匂いが好きなんていう方も、結構いらっしゃるのではないかと思います。
Japan’s rainy season called tsuyu has arrived, bringing with it weeks of humid and damp weather. During this period every year, our moods tend to take a dip as well as we long for a summer that seems so far away.
At the same time, many enjoy the scents of the season, like rain as it hits the soil for the first time, the moist leaves and grass, or the last moments of rain before it lifts.
Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle once called the scent of rain the “scent of rainbows”. What a romantic notion to imagine he experienced these same scents approximately 2,300 years ago, before the invention of modern-day technologies and sciences.
So where does the scent of rain come from? It is said come in two types:
First is the smell that accompanies rain as it falls on dry soil. Called petrichol, it comes from a Greek word meaning “stone essence”.
Second is an organic compound called geosmin, which is derived from the Greek word “earth smell”. This smell remains after the rain has lifted.
Both are emitted when moisture increases the humidity in the air.
In modern day, the scent of rain has been likened to that of soil and trees, but it is interesting to learn they were compared to natural elements including earth and stones in ancient Greece.
At Air Aroma Japan, we have a fragrance in our lineup one might relate to that “after the rain” scent. “Fresh Grass” is a clean, refreshing scent similar to that fresh-cut grass smell in summer, reminding us of sunny childhoods in the park.
Because fragrances have been noted as being more noticeable in humid weather, those of us who were raised in the hot and humid summers of Japan are said to be relatively sensitive to scents. Perhaps this explains why natural scents such as soaps and detergents are favored in the country.
During this most humid time of year, why not enjoy a uniquely Japanese scent that is both natural and lovely, and in harmony with the scent of rain?