In Japan, January 31st is known as “Beloved Wives Day”.
Coined by the Japan Aisaika Organization, the day is based on the notion that creating love in the home is the best way to promote love and peace in the world.
Some may remember the words of Nobel Peace Prize winner Mother Teresa who said, “What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.”
Communicating the love and appreciation you have for your partner, not just your wife, may not always be easy. Sometimes you feel you’re just too busy, or perhaps you’re even a little shy. So why not receive a little help from “Beloved Wives Day” to express your love at home?
The best way to do so? Communicate your love through flowers!
It has been proven that the bright, rich colors of flowers do wonders to soothe the soul. By noticing the beauty of the flowers, stress is lessened and calm returns to your harried day.
And there is of course, the scent.
From scents that elevate your mood to fragrances that calm your nerves, scents have the power to add color and joy to your life.
“To you with all of my love.” Whether gifting others or bringing joy into your own life, flowers are sure to brighten your mood and the entire day.