7月に東京で開催された第3回 ワークスタイル変革 EXPOに引き続き、初の大阪開催となる第1回 (関西)ワークスタイル変革EXPO 。環境緑化事業を展開する大和リース株式会社と五感や感性を科学的に検証する研究チーム KANSEI Projects Committee(KPC)の共同プロジェクト、緑・香り・ハイレゾリューション音を使ったリラックス空間の嗅覚部分をエアアロマが担当、展示しました。
今回のブースでは、水の流れや、風の流れを感じられるような瑞々しい香り「guava cucumber(グァバキューカンバー)で演出しています。
◆第1回 関西 ワークスタイル変革 EXPO◆
経済状況が目まぐるしく変化する今日、各企業では今まで以上にコスト削減・生産性向上・営業力強化が求められ、 その切り札として、「ワークスタイル変革」に高い注目が集まっています。次世代の働き方を実現するための、テレワーク支援・会議ソリューション・オフィスデザインなどが一堂に出展。
▼第3回 ワークスタイル変革 EXPO(東京)のブースレポートはこちら
Scenting the First “Work-Style Innovation EXPO” in the Kansai Area
Following the third Work Style Innovation EXPO in Tokyo this past July, the Kansai version of the expo was held for the first time in Osaka. Air Aroma was a booth participant, in partnership with Daiwa Lease Co., Ltd., which runs a environment greening business, and KANSEI Projects Committee (KPC), a research team specializing in the creation of relaxing spaces through greenery, scents and soothing high-resolution sounds. Air Aroma brought its expertise in the field of “smell”.
Exhibition Space “VERDENIA”
An office designed for taking deep breaths. VERDENIA.
Based on the theme “an office space for the five senses”, the booth gave visitors a chance to experience a relaxing office environment that enhances creativity through a seamless combination of greenery, soothing scents and gentle sounds. The soothing sounds of a stream and the refreshing scent of Air Aroma’s guava cucumber aroma heightened the sensory experience.
Learn the value of relaxation the moment you step into the space.
◆First Kansai Work-Style Innovation EXPO◆
First Kansai Work-Style Innovation EXPO
Exhibition Period: October 5th (Wed) to 7th (Fri) 10am to 6pm
Venue: Intex Osaka
▼See details here
【About the Work-Style Innovation EXPO】
In our rapidly changing economy and society, corporations are met with the need to cut down on costs, increase productivity, and strengthen sales. The Work-Style Innovation EXPO is garnering attention in and outside of the industry for its advanced telecommuting support, meeting solutions, and office design technologies.
▼See the Booth Report for the Third Work-Style Innovation EXPO (Tokyo) here
Enjoying the Office with the Five Senses - Work-Style Innovation
Daiwa Lease Booth Report