毎年桜の時期に駐日オーストラリア大使およびオーストラリア大使館が主催で開催される、オーストラリア・デー・イン・スプリング(Australia Day in Spring)にて香りの演出をしました。
旧 蜂須賀侯爵邸で数百年の歴史がある大使館のオーストラリア自然庭園は、伝統的な日本庭園とオーストラリアの自然の風景を融合させた庭園で、春には幾本もの桜が咲き誇ります。
当日は、レッドカーペットが敷かれたエントランス、ロビーで、エアアロマの「spring time」がご来場の皆さまをお迎えしました。
▼駐日オーストラリア大使 ブルース・ミラー氏とエアアロマグループ CEO ジョン・ヴァン・ロエンバーグ
Bruce Miller, Australia's ambassador to Japan and Air Aroma CEO John van Roemburg.
ちょうどオーストラリアから来日中だった、エアアロマグループ CEO ジョンも在日オーストラリア大使や、商務官の方々と世界各国の香りの取り組みについて意見交換をすることができました。 職場である大使館が香りひとつでガラリと印象が変わり、暖かい空間に変わったことに驚かれたとおっしゃる商務官の方もいらっしゃいました。
Scenting “Australia Day in Spring” in Tokyo
Every year during cherry blossom season, the Australian Ambassador to Japan and Australian Embassy host an event called the “Australia Day in Spring”. This year, Air Aroma was honored to scent the celebration.
The garden of the Australian embassy, formerly belonging to the Hachisuka family, dates back several hundred years. Blending elements of a traditional Japanese garden with Australian native plants, the garden enjoys the brilliant colors of cherry blossoms in spring. Each year, members of Japanese Diet and political world, along with the business world and fashion industry come together beneath the breathtaking sakura to enjoy delicious cuisine and drinks from Australia.
On the day of the event, a red carpet welcomed guests as they stepped into the lobby scented with Air Aroma’s “springtime” fragrance. The light and airy scent inspired by colorful spring florals added a layer of elegance and softness to the contemporary embassy building. Though the skies were cloudy with a late winter chill in the air, we were delighted to see visitors warming as they entered the building and took notice of the scent.
Air Aroma CEO John van Roemburg was also visiting Japan at the time, exchanging views with the Ambassador and commercial attaches regarding the various developments in scenting around the world. The commercial attaches working in the embassy expressed surprise at how impactful a single scent could be in transforming the atmosphere of their workplace.