萩市産夏みかんの香りをベースに、青森ヒバと青葉の香りをブレンドした「至誠」は、私たちの “香りをきっかけに、松蔭先生が志を持って生きた時代と今を繋げたら…”と言う想いから作られた香りです。
* シリーズ〜花燃ゆの舞台に香りを 1
* シリーズ〜花燃ゆの舞台に香りを 2
* 松陰神社に「至誠」の香りを
* 夏みかんの香りで町のブランディングを
* 「至誠」の香りの詳しい情報はこちら
Recently, twenty-three constitutional assets around Japan representing the “Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution” were registered as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. One of those sites is the “Shokasan Juku School” within Shoin Shrine in Hagi, Yamaguchi, which Air Aroma Japan has been scenting with the Shisei blend since last year.
Shisei is based on the aroma of Hagi-made natsumikan oranges, together with the refreshing scent of Aomori hiba (cypress). It was created with the hope of connecting the revolutionary era in which Shoin lived and taught with steadfast determination, with modern times.
With the recent recognition of Shoin’s school as a World Heritage Site, now may be the perfect time to close your eyes and breathe in the Shisei aroma, imagining the past and perhaps mulling over the teachings of Yoshida Shoin to his students, many of whom played substantial roles at the end of the Edo Period and during the Meiji Restoration. Time travel to the past and pass it on to the future with the scent of Shisei.
▼Past articles about Shoin Shrine can be read below:
∗ Air Aroma Scent at Japan’s Hot Spot ①
∗ Air Aroma Scent at Japan’s Hot Spot ②
∗ A Scent of Devotion at Shoin Shrine
▼ Read a report of our special natsumikan scent event held in Hagi City:
∗ Branding the City with the Scent of Natsumikan
*Click to learn more about Shisei: http://store.air-aroma.co.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=24