先月末に開催された、カクテルコンペティション「NBA千葉カクテルコンペティション 2015」で2度目の優勝を果たしたエアアロマの調香師 平裕之はカクテルづくりを「味覚と嗅覚を繋げる大切なもの」と表現します。
香りをつくりだすプロフェッショナルである調香師 平にとって、調香とカクテルづくりはとても共通点が多い反面、分量の違いだけでなく混ぜ方で味や香りが変わるカクテルづくりは創造力を刺激される魅力的なことなのだと言います。
(写真)優勝カクテル:lumiere d’espoir
For many, cocktails are enjoyed for their taste and appearance.
Last month, Air Aroma Japan's perfumer Hiroyuki Taira won the top prize at the "NBA Chiba Cocktail Competition 2015", making him a two-time winner. Taira says making cocktails is a way to connect the two senses of taste and smell.
In the competition, cocktails are judged not only for taste and appearance, but for their aroma as well.
For Taira, a professional in creating fragrances, blending scents and cocktails have much in common. At the same time, mixing cocktails is a great exercise in honing his creativity, as scents are affected not only by the quantity of ingredients used, but how it is mixed.
Scents are often thought to accompany taste, but imagining the scent first in making cocktails makes perfect sense for our perfumer.
(Photo) Winning Cocktail: lumiere d’espoir
Judges' Comment: "A finely balanced cocktail that is refreshing but also leaves a delicately sweet aftertaste."
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