・ 気温の変化や引越しなどによる環境の変化
・ 飼い主とのコミュニケーションが足りないとき
・ 苦手な人と会うこと、苦手な犬と一緒に過ごすこと
・ 睡眠がうまくとれないとき
・ 散歩が足りないとき
・ 攻撃的になる、興奮しやすくなる
・ 臆病になる毛が抜けてしまう
・ 吠え続ける、夜中に吠える
・ 体の一部をなめ続ける、ひっかき続ける
・ 落ち着かない、震えてしまう
・ 排泄回数が増える
・ 下痢をする
「Arobalance for dog(犬用アロバランス)」は、私たちエアアロマが考える
また、「 Arobalance for dog(犬用アロバランス)」は、悲しい運命を辿る犬や猫を少しでもなくすため、「 Arobalance for dog(犬用アロバランス)」を1本販売につき100円を保護犬・動物愛護活動の資金として寄付しています。
次回以降のブログでは、この実際にArobalance for dog(犬用アロバランス)を使用している方々のインタビューなどを紹介したいと思います。
What Can We Do for our Stressed-Out Pets?
Do you ever think, “My dog seems to be a little low in energy lately”? It’s not so bad that you have to take him or her to the vet, but something just doesn’t seem right.
It’s said that dogs often hold themselves back in times of discomfort or uneasiness, so as not to disturb their owners. But when that pent-up discomfort turns into stress, that’s when the problems start to occur.
Because they are unable to speak, dogs are highly sensitive to their owners’ moods and emotions, and without being able to vocalize their frustrations, pets may be holding in more stress than their caretakers realize.
What are some of the ways in which dogs experience stress?
• Changes in environment such as extreme weather and moving house
• Lack of communication with the owner
• Coming into contact with people/dogs they do not like
• Lack of good sleep
• Lack of exercise
And here are some of the actions that are thought to come from stress:
• Dogs become aggressive and easily excitable
• They become cowardly
• They may shed hair excessively
• They will not stop barking, or will bark in the middle of the night
• They lick or scratch a single area of their body
• They are restless
• They shake and quiver
• They go to the bathroom often
• They experience diarrhea
While it’s hard for owners to see their pets in distress, it’s more difficult for the pets themselves. And even when owners wish to relieve their beloved pets of stress by attending to them closely, work and other life circumstances often make it difficult.
Let’s go back to basics here for a moment. Do you know where we animals (humans included) retain stress?
In both humans and dogs, the autonomic nervous system is made up of two opposing types of nerves called the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The two systems work together to control those functions we cannot, such as breathing and circulating blood.
When the body undergoes stress, the sympathetic nervous system goes into overdrive, creating imbalance in the autonomic nervous system.
Both dogs and animals experience this upheaval in the sympathetic nervous system, causing problems in the stomach and intestines, as well as shrinkage in the blood vessels. All of this puts strain on the body.
When the sympathetic nervous system is under control, on the other hand, the body is in a state of low stress.
Taking this information, Australian biomedical scientists have found over ten years of extensive research that certain green leaf plant extracts are able to reduce the adverse effects of chronic stress by managing the activities of the sympathetic nervous system. The solution they came up with is Arobalance, a natural scent made of the perfect blend of natural extracts.
See the research results and stress test results here:
And now, Arobalance for dog is Air Aroma’s answer for pets. With this product, we hope to create a soothing environment for pets and their owners, and bring awareness and change to a society that is kinder to home pets.
What began as a product for individual pet-owners has now been embraced by professional dog trainers in their training, as well as by animal welfare organizations to bring a little peace-of-mind to animals in their care.
Animals that have been abandoned are often aggressive or afraid, and the professionals who care for them often spray a little Arobalance for dog onto new leashes and/or towels in their crates. *According to Cinderella Project Association Founder Kimura
Our hope at Air Aroma is to help abandoned dogs and cats by donating 100 yen for every bottle of Arobalance for dog sold, to local animal welfare organizations.
In our next blog post, we will take a closer look at the product itself. What is Arobalance for dog, and how can it help?