11月24日、25日の2日間に渡り、東京大学で開催された国際学会「国際時空間設計学会ISTD-第7回世界大会」にて、エアアロマ代表の柳川が発表した論文が ”Award for the outstanding paper(優秀論文賞)” に選出されました。
Appliciation of KANSEI engineering to evaluate the values of ambient scenting and sounds in the public library
これまで “もの” づくりに取り入れられてきた感性工学の手法を、空間の居心地と言う “こと” の評価に応用し、また、それによって最も評価の難しい公共の場の空間価値を可視化した検証が高く評価されました。
(写真右)Executive Co-chairperson:Prof.Shigekazu Ishihara
Winner of “Award for the Outstanding Paper” at the 7th International Symposium on Temporal Design in Architecture and Environment
On November 25, 2015, Air Aroma Japan Managing Director Mai Yanagawa gave a lecture at the “7th International Symposium on Temporal Design in Architecture and Environment”, which was being held at the University of Tokyo over two days. She was presented the “Award for the Outstanding Paper” the same day.
The theme of her paper:
Application of KANSEI engineering to evaluate the values of ambient scenting and sounds in the public library.
Yanagawa’s presentation will be introduced in the International Academic Journal next year, recognized for its practical and versatile application, rooted firmly in scientific research. She has taken the methods of KANSEI engineering, which has been known for its use in creating tangible products, and applying it to assess the ambience of a public space. Her work was lauded for making visible the “value” of a specific public space, a feat said to be immensely difficult.
*Kansei Engineering: emotional / affective engineering