1963年8月から50年以上にわたり銀座で親しまれてきた「日産ギャラリー」が、日産ブランドをグローバルに発信する新拠点「NISSAN CROSSING」として9月24日に生まれ変わりました。
NISSAN CROSSINGは、来場客に「ワクワクする未来のドライビング体験」を提供する場。最先端テクノロジーを搭載したクルマの展示のほか、センターステージでのプレゼンテーションや、大型タッチスクリーンでの情報発信など、クルマとヒトと社会との新しい関係を体験できる「ニッサン インテリジェント モビリティ」の発信拠点となります。
そんな空間を演出するのは、エアアロマが調香した日産ブランドオリジナルの香り「NISSAN AROMA」。
NISSAN CROSSINGのオープニングセレモニーでは、来場したVIPの方々200名にこのオリジナルの香り「NISSAN AROMA」のルームフレグランスが配られました。
・ 会話の内容
・ 日本の伝統工芸と融合した日産クラフトアーツセレクション
感性に響く最先端のカーショールームを、東京の中心の街 銀座で体験してください。
NISSAN CROSSING Now Open in Ginza! Featuring an original scent “Nissan Aroma”
On September 24th, the Nissan Gallery, a fixture in Ginza for over fifty years since August 1963, was newly unveiled as NISSAN CROSSING, a high-tech global information center for Nissan.
NISSAN CROSSING is designed to provide visitors with an exhilarating driving experience that allows a glimpse into the future. Cars on display are equipped with the latest technology, and presentations held on center stage and large interactive screens aim to create an unprecedented relationship between cars and people. This is the new launch pad of “Nissan Intelligent Mobility”.
The modern building captivates passersby at the famous Ginza 4-chome crossing.
With a contemporary but simple design, the building symbolizes the approach of a new era.
Take one step into the building and feel as though a door is opened to a never-before-seen world.
The space provides a warming sense of nostalgia, enhanced by a clear and stylish scent. Just as the body is rejuvenated when it steps out of the heat into an air-conditioned space, NISSAN CROSSING’s refreshing atmosphere infuses one with newfound energy.
It’s no surprise you might feel this way.
The aroma you’re experiencing is “NISSAN AROMA”, a Nissan original!
At the recent NISSAN CROSSING opening ceremony, “NISSAN AROMA” was passed out to 200 guests in the form of a room fragrance.
The original scent brings together the space, product and brand seamlessly.
Guests are invited to experience Nissan’s “brand value” through sight and sound including…
・Futuristic architecture
・New-concept car design
・Superior riding comfort
・Latest information
・A modern narrative
・A view of the Ginza crosswalk
・Friendly staff
・Latte art in the cafe
・ Meaningful conversations
・Nissan Craft Arts Selection featuring Japanese traditional craftsmanship
Memories felt and remembered by the five senses will remain fresh over time.
The latest in car showrooms is designed to be experienced with all five of the human senses. It’s Ginza’s latest hot spot, NISSAN CROSSING.
We do hope you will drop by!