沖縄の青い海、粟國島のギンガメアジの大群、宮古島の水中洞窟、利島と小笠原のイルカたち… そんな沖縄の海の奥底を素潜りで泳ぐ、プロフリーダイバー 篠宮隆三さんの水中映像上映イベント『OCEAN TRAVELER ~ Ryuzo Shinomiya SUMMER2015』を香りで演出しました。
空気タンクを背負わず、息を止めた状態で海の奥深くに潜り、その距離を競うスポーツ フリーダイビング。世界でも110m以上の記録を持つのはたった7人。その1人であり水深115mという記録を持つ篠宮さんが見る神秘的な海底を写真と映像で体感する今回の上映会。
会場となったのは、建築事務所Sturdy Styleがプロデュースするカフェ、オフィスが融合したオシャレな建物の奥にあるプライベートシアター。ウェルカムドリンクには、スコットランド スカイ島の海のすぐ側で蒸留されたウィスキー「タリスカー」が配られます。そして、映像と共にシアター内に香らせたのは、guava cucumber (グァバキューカンバー) の香り。
Scenting Free Diver Ryuzo Shinomiya’s Underwater Film Screening
Recently, Professional free diver Ryuzo Shinomiya premiered his underwater film “OCEAN TRAVELER ~ Ryuzo Shinomiya SUMMER 2015” at a screening event we had the pleasure of scenting. His film introduced remarkable scenes in the beautiful blue depths of Okinawa, including a swarm of bigeye trevally in Agunishima, an underwater cave in Miyakojima, and dolphins in Toshima and Ogasawara.
Free diving is a sport that tests the ability of divers to hold their breaths underwater without an oxygen tank, competing on the depths of their dives. Only seven divers in the world have surpassed the 110-meter mark. Shinomiya is one of those divers, with an astounding record of 115 meters. At the screening, guests were invited to experience the spiritual world deep below the water’s surface, through the diver’s photographs and film.
The event was held in a private theater inside a fashionable building of cafes and offices, produced by architectural firm Sturdy Style. Guests were welcomed with a glass of Talisker, a whiskey distilled on the Isle of Skye in Scotland, right by the ocean. In the theater, a subtle scent of “Guava Cucumber” accompanied the screening of the film.
The refreshing, subtly sweet fruit scent brought to mind the tropical visions of Okinawa’s sunshine and white beaches, transporting guests instantly to a summer wonderland.