デビュー曲「あんた」で「第54回 輝く!日本レコード大賞」新人賞を受賞、「あんた」の他にも「あかん」「しもた」といった関西弁のラブソングで知られるティーナ・カリーナさん。シンガーソングライターとして活躍する一方、長く歌い継がれている昭和歌謡のカバーコンサートも定期的に開催しています。
1986年1月16日生まれ 大阪府池田市出身。元阪急百貨店サービス優秀販売員(金バッジ受賞)という異色の経歴を持つシンガーソングライター。デビュー曲「あんた」で「第54回輝く!日本レコード大賞」新人賞受賞。
— Air Aroma(以下、A)
— ティーナ・カリーナ(以下、T)
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2016年 秋の特別公演情報
■会場:東京エレクトロンホール宮城 (宮城県民会館)
▼ 詳細はこちら
Talk between Tiina Kariina × Air Aroma
Winner of the New Artist Award in the 54th Japan Record Awards with her song Anta (You), singer Tiina Kariina’s love songs also include Akan (Hopeless) and Shimota (Damn!), both sung in the Kansai dialect. She is a singer-songwriter who also covers tunes from the “good old days” of the Showa era in her regular concerts.
Starting this past spring, Air Aroma has begun scenting Tiina’s concert venues with a scent called “Teena”.
We spoke with the artist about her thoughts on “scenting” concerts, the changes she has noticed since incorporating scents, and about her decision to move to Sendai shortly after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, her connection with the people of the region, and how her outlook on life has changed in recent years.
Tiina Kariina Bio
Born January 16, 1986 in Ikeda, Osaka. Singer-songwriter with an accomplished past as winner of the “Gold Badge Award” as salesperson for the Hankyu Department Store. Won the New Artist Award in the 54th Japan Record Awards with her debut single Anta.
Shortly following the Tohoku Earthquake, a producer in Sendai received a demo tape. It was from a singer who had experienced the Great Hanshin Earthquake herself years earlier, and her voice struck a chord with the producer amid earthquake relief efforts. Her voice was powerful and passionate, her songs brimming with message. The demo tape was enough evidence of her talent. The miraculous connection led to the artist moving 1,000 kilometers from her home in Osaka to Sendai and beginning her career as Tiina Kariina, an Osaka-born, Sendai-based artist.
I feel that scents create a synergy.
I think music and scents go well together.
With the scent, I feel the concert venue becoming an even more meaningful place.
- Air Aroma (A)
We incorporated a scent called “Teena” into your concert venue. How was the experience for you?
- Tiina Kariina (T)
The scent is lovely. It’s warm and comforting to me. My dressing room smelled so nice, I felt relaxed both before and after the show. It’s rare for me to count on just “one scent” but recently, this is the only scent I’ve kept with me. It relaxes me. (laughs)
- A
If we were to assign a color, we envision the scent “Teena” to be white, inspired by the snow in the Tohoku region. But when a fragrance is designed based on the color white, it can be elegant but a bit washed-out. And the impression of snow can often result in a cold scent. But while “Teena” is inspired by white, it has behind it the warmth of the Tohoku people, and the refreshing spirit that you bring to the stage.
- T
At this last concert, we had to make the fans wait in the lobby because of some issues inside the venue. But we hardly got any complaints from the people waiting patiently in the scented lobby. I was surprised.
- A
Scents are often effective in bringing people closer together. When a space is scented, people tend to open themselves up a little more, and are more tolerant. In a hotel, for example, the hotel staff and guests both become more patient, which results in better service.
Once in awhile, we receive requests to incorporate scents to mask bad odors. But oftentimes it’s not the odor, but the service that is more noticeably bad. No wonderful scent will be able to change that. It’s only when a scent and space truly sync up that guests go home having had a nice experience.
We even received a comment from a concertgoer saying he’s taped the aroma chip we distributed at the venue to his pedometer. He asked if he could buy more.
- T
Really? That’s wonderful. I felt the scent not only didn’t intrude with the show, it created a kind of synergy. I think music and scents go well together. With the scent, I feel the concert venue becoming an even more meaningful place. And hearing that the guests want to take the memory home with them…I think it’s safe to say the scent and the space complemented each other.
Music is something that is shared between people, and it’s really important to be in a shared space.
I think music is similar to scents in that it’s not visible to the eye.
- A
What is your personal vision of the singer Tiina Kariina?
- T
When I listen to songs, I take in everything about the artists from their lives to their natures. What kind of lives are they living, what personality traits do they have? If I like them as people, I enjoy their music more. I think personal character is very important. So for me, living life in an honest and authentic way is an important goal. The more I grow as a person, the more depth I hope my songs will have.
- A
Do you feel the scent “Teena” is close to who you are as an artist?
- T
Actually, I was delighted to learn of my “impression” as an artist from the scent. The worldview of Tiina Kariina is something we’re all creating together. It’s a great feeling to know you’re not alone.
- A
Scents are a way for people to communicate with each other through the sense of smell.
- T
Communicating through smell! That’s exactly how I feel about music. Music is something that is shared between people, and it’s really important to be in a shared space. If someone were to ask me, “What is music?”, I would say it’s a way to meet people. You hear a song and it brings back a memory, for example. I think music is similar to scents in that it’s not visible to the eye.
It would be wonderful if someone said, “Grandma, let’s go to a concert”, and brought their grandmother to the show.
- A
You’re not only a singer, you make appearances on variety television shows as well. Is it true that you walked 130 kilometers from Sendai to Kesennuma for a television show?
- T
Yes! It was for the 45th anniversary of Miyagi TV. I started in April of last year, and walked along Route 45 toward the Miyagi/Iwate border. I met and spoke to people along the way, and wrote songs about the stories they shared, the beautiful landscapes I saw along the way, how I felt in each region, and since I also experienced a big earthquake in Kobe in the fourth grade, my own thoughts and emotions.
- A
The lodge that you visited during your journey, “Tsunakan” in Kesennuma, is the site of our very first company retreat.
Air Aroma Japan launched shortly (in Tokyo) after the Tohoku Earthquake in 2011, and we couldn’t have office supplies delivered, we had no electricity, and it was nearly impossible to run a company. But Mai Yanagawa, our leader, had to somehow create a cohesive team. So she asked the owners of “Tsunakan”, who she had met when she went up to the region to help out and provide “fugu (blowfish) soup” from her hometown of Shimonoseki, if we could borrow their space for a retreat. Each time we visit Kesennuma, we’re amazed by the energy of the people there.
- T
There are a lot of young people in Kesennuma. I’ve met people who went to volunteer and stayed. I know someone from Nara who relocated there, and another that used to work for the Kobe City Office. There’s something special about the region.
- A
Exactly. After our retreat, whenever there’s an earthquake, we immediately think of how the people of Kesennuma are doing. Even after just one meeting, the Tohoku people are so warm, you just can’t forget them.
They’re full of energy and life, and everyone is always smiling and laughing, but then you go out with them at night and learn that their houses were washed away and they’d lost everything. It really made us take stock of our own lives and understand how fortunate we are.
- T
I don’t get to go too often because it’s quite far, but the locals tell me to call when I arrive so they can pick me up at the train station. And they were all waiting for me at the finish line.
- A
You now live in Sendai, and you made the trek all the way to Kesennuma. Has your view of Tohoku changed?
- T
It has. I went to the hardest-hit regions for the first time during the summer season last year. I’d made several visits during winter, but in summer, the area was green and looked completely different. Viewers don’t see it because it’s not broadcast, but the residents are living each day, year by year.
An elderly woman living in temporary housing away from the shore said to me that the ocean scares her, but she still misses it. I wondered why. But as I walked along the quiet seashore, I realized it was what the residents of the area lived with everyday, hearing the sounds of waves when they woke up in the morning, and as they went to bed at night. Losing that must have been like a part of their lives were taken away. That area has experienced earthquakes and tsunamis in the past, and there are many stone monuments in remembrance of that. The devastation from the latest earthquake and tsunami was unparalleled, yet for the people of those towns, it’s still home.
- A
You hold concerts regularly, featuring songs from the Showa era. The audience is filled with grandmothers and grandfathers, and lots of families. Do you get the sense that there is something nostalgic about the songs that make people remember their hometowns?
- T
Yes. Songs can be sung forever, even after the singer is gone. I think it would be great if, after a concert, there’s a conversation like “When Grandma was young…” among families.
It would be wonderful if someone said, “Grandma, let’s go to a concert”, and brought their grandmother to the show. And that’s actually starting to happen, which makes me very happy.
- A
Can you tell us about any plans you have for the future?
- T
I’d like to start holding the “Showa Song Fest (Concert)” outside of Miyagi prefecture, little by little, and go to different areas including the Kanto and Kansai areas.
2016 Special Fall Concert Information
Tiina Kariina “One-Woman Showa Song Fest” Special Fall Concert
Date/Time: September 18, 2016 (Sun)
Venue: Tokyo Electron Hall Miyagi (Miyagi Prefecture Hall)
Details here (Japanese):