今回の2018 春夏コレクションのテーマは“THE MEMORY OF BEAUTY”。デザイナーである福薗英貴氏が幼少期のころに体験した“美の記憶”がテーマとなり、自身の生家を思い出させる竜涎香をイメージした香りが選ばれました。
背広に憧れ隠れてコッソリ着てみた父親のスーツ。中学の時にはまったリーボック(Reebok)のスニーカーは、デザイナーになった今、コラボレーションピースとして足元を飾ります。ショーの最後に登場する、化粧品メーカー・ノエビアのCM広告として使用されていた日本人グラフィックデザイナー 鶴田一郎氏の美人画の数々は、福薗少年に初めて女性を意識させた、美の記録のようなものだそう。
Wewill 2018 Spring/Summer Collection:
Storytelling through Scents
Designer Hideki Fukuzono’s WEWILL 2018 Spring/Summer Collection was held on October 11th, 2017, a breezy Wednesday night. The venue of the show was Chichibunomiya Rugby Stadium, based on the designer’s wish to create “clothes that flow in the wind”.
The collection theme “The Memory of Beauty” was inspired by the designer’s own childhood experiences, enhanced by the fragrance of Ambergris, a scent reminiscent of the designer’s parents’ home. Like the scent, several subtle touches were incorporated in the show, inviting guests to take a journey through one’s memory.
The first hint of “memory” came in the invitation. Opening the envelope, invitees experienced a subtle soft fragrance.
This warm, nostalgic scent led on the day of the show to the rugby stadium, where a scented otherwordly atmosphere awaited. The show began with a fantastical blue light, leading the audience down a long runway and into another world.
A young boy secretly trying on his father’s suit. The Reebok sneakers he adored in junior high school…both were “memories” coming down the runway as collaborative works.
The show ended with bijinga (beautiful woman) images by graphic designer Ichiro Tsuruta, once featured in a Noevir cosmetics television commercial. According to Fukuzono, they were his first memory of “beauty” in women.
A room fragrance spray was gifted to guests of the show, in hopes they would remember the collection each time they used the spray.
Two days after the show, a showroom was held in Omotesando with runway looks hanging on racks for visitors to see and touch. Here again, the same fragrance subtly reminded of the breeze and excitement of the rugby stadium show.
A single scent “connected” the dots in the story, beginning with the invitation, leading to the thrill of the show, and finally, ending with a memory in a bottle. What’s not visible to the eye stays alive in one’s mind and heart.